How To Reduce Your Child’s Screen Time With These Fun Activities

In this digital world that we live in, electronic devices are an inevitable part of our lives. For children growing up alongside them, overexposure is a real concern for parents. According to research, only 17% to 23% of Australian preschoolers meet the recommended guidelines for screen time. This duration increases as they grow.

Excessive screen time can be challenging to curb, and it can also result in negative health and emotional impacts. If your child is spending too much time on the television or on tablets, this can be a real issue.

Negative Effects of Too Much Screen Time

Let’s take a look at how too much screen time can affect a child’s physical and cognitive development. The recommended acceptable amount of screen time is no screen time for children under two years old; up to one hour per day for those aged two to 12 years old; and up to two hours per day for teenagers and adults.

In relation to media consumption and device usage, ample studies have landed on the same conclusion – that excessive screen time is overall bad for growing children, and even adults. They can result in:

  • Behavioural problems
  • Learning problems
  • Obesity
  • Sleep problems
  • Violence

Fun Activities to Reduce Screen Time

Apart from implementing digital-free zones and other similar house rules, here are some fun activities to distract your child from asking for the tablet:

1. Engage in crafted play

Crafted play allows a child to explore and test the boundaries in a safe and creative manner. It incorporates hands-on or role-playing activities, and can build useful life skills such as confidence and linguistic capabilities.

Some examples of this kind of pretend play include playing out a trip to the grocery store or a superhero to the rescue.

2. Baking or cooking

Gaining culinary skills is one of the most important parts of becoming an independent adult. You may worry about letting your child near the stove, but there are so many steps in cooking that there is bound to be something for your little one to try. The same goes for baking, too. Delegate age-appropriate tasks to your toddler or preschooler – from pouring in the milk to mixing the batter, or even beating the eggs.

There is plenty that children can learn in the kitchen. They learn to count and measure, how different ingredients react with one another, and they can also inject their own creativity.

3. Read books

Reading can be highly enjoyable as they transport the reader into a fantastical world beyond reality. Instead of spending time on the smartphone, getting your child to fall in love with reading may be one of the most effective ways to reduce screen time.

Reading delivers a long list of benefits during the growing years, as it builds neural connections and sets the pace for cognitive development.

4. Join learning programmes

When we are alone, we tend to fidget with our phones. Our children are noas they look to us as role models. Instead, keep your child engaged with outdoor activities or enrichment programmes. In doing so, your child will be distracted, which means lesser screen time.

We keep your little Champ engaged

Technology addiction can be difficult to correct, but the solution can lie in filling up spare time with fun and engaging activities. However, if all else fails, you can also install parenting apps on your digital devices instead.

At MindChamps, our students will experience a wholesome experience packed with fun and intriguing learning lessons. Our curriculum is designed to provide a nurturing environment for children to dive into their Sensory, Motor, Intellectual, Linguistic, Emotional and Social skills which goes a long way in undoing the negative effects of excessive digital usage.

Try these fun activities to reduce screen time and bond with your child today, or speak to us to find out more about our preschool programme.

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