How Our S.M.I.L.E.S.™ Curriculum Supports Your Child’s Early Learning

Picking the right early learning environment for your child can be confusing. As the field of early childhood education continues to evolve, there are countless early learning pedagogies and methodologies for parents to consider.

Here at MindChamps, we believe in supporting your child’s holistic development through experiential activities that provide them with a safe space to learn, explore and grow. The early years are a crucial time to build foundational skills and our research based S.M.I.L.E.S.™ methodology has been designed to encourage development in seven key elements:

  • Sensory
  • Motor
  • Intellectual
  • Linguistic
  • Emotional
  • Social

Our methodology is aligned to the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) to nurture your child’s growth as well as improve their school readiness.

1. Sensory

From the moment your child arrives in the world, their five key senses (along with additional ones such as spatial awareness and balance) are working overtime to familiarise them to their new and unfamiliar surroundings. As they progress into the toddler stage and beyond, sensory processing is one of the key ways young children explore and evaluate the world around them. Sensory play is a form of play that engages any of your child’s senses. This ranges from simple activities such as playing with a plastic baggie full of rice or seeds, to targeted activities such as paints or sensory bins.

2. Motor

Many of a child’s milestones are defined by their acquisition and mastery of motor skills that open up new avenues of exploration. As children develop their motor skills, they will naturally want to test and discover their own limits as part of the learning process. Through programmes such as MindSport exclusive to our MindChamps Early Learning Centres, we provide a fun, engaging and child-centered safe space to practise and achieve mastery over their fine and gross motor skills.

3. Intellectual

Stimulating your child’s natural intellectual curiosity is key to their neurological development. MindChamps cultivates a love for learning in your child through educational programmes such as MindChamps Reading™ (Natural Literacy™)  that encourages kids to be curious, pose questions and seek out their own answers.

4. Linguistic

Linguistic development in early childhood is key to encouraging literacy and communication skills later on in life. Our Fun with Language™ programme is designed to use age-appropriate literature to provide your child with opportunities to learn, explore and grow. By making early literacy enjoyable, we help set the stage for your child to have a lifelong passion for reading and learning.

5. Emotional and Social

Nurturing your child’s emotional and social development is more than just making friends or connections with others. Skills such as emotional regulation, forming healthy relationships, and knowing how to share or take turns are all key stepping stones to ensuring your child has a fulfilling life ahead. MindChamps’ activities incorporate group settings and social skills learning to help your child build an emotional toolkit to take with them as they grow.

Experience a Well-Rounded Early Childhood Education with MindChamps

Our research-based programmes are tailored to meet the latest in early childhood education standards to provide only the best learning experience for your child.

Experience for yourself our early learning and preschool programmes and how MindChamps can nurture the Champion Mindset in your child.

Book a visit now to find out more about our early learning and preschool programmes, as well as the facilities that are available at the MindChamps centre nearest to you.

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