How to Raise a Child Who Loves to Read

Reading brings a host of benefits to your children during the early years, as it helps to build the neural connections in their brain and sets the pace for cognitive development. Many parents start off this journey by reading to and with their children, which is highly recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). “Reading […]

5 Clues that Indicate Reading Readiness in Young Children

Many parents wonder whether their children are ready to learn to read. Different children grow at different paces, and while not every child will achieve the same milestones at the same time, here are some signs to look out for as you assess if your child is ready to take the next step in word […]

4 Ways to Simplify Science in Early Childhood

Science activities for children in early childhood aren’t all about lab coats and test tubes – it’s about connecting with the world around us. Many of us relate Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) experiences to fizzling concoctions, dangerous chemicals and robotics, but the truth is that children as young as 6 months old begin to experiment with scientific […]

The Simple Art of Saying What You Mean

Language Strategies for Parents The more elaborate our means of communication, the lest we communicate. – Joseph Priestley As a parent, you might, once or twice, have found yourself making a comment – something like this: My child never seems to do what I ask! He always seems to do the very thing I ask […]

Reading Comprehension Difficulties Children Struggle With

Is your child struggling with reading comprehension? Before you help him/her, it is important to understand the underlying causes of the reading challenges that your child is facing. What is reading comprehension? Researchers have defined reading comprehension as a multi-faceted process where readers construct meaning as they interact with the text. Comprehension is only possible if the […]

What is the Best Age For Kids To Start Reading Programmes?

Reading programmes for kids abound in Singapore, but what is the best age for kids to start learning how to read? New research from Washington University in St. Louis has reported that “children as young as 3 are already beginning to recognise and follow important rules and patterns governing how letters in the English language fit […]

How to Encourage Your Child to Read in 8 Easy Steps

Experts worldwide agree that reading is a process involving a number of key skills – with mastery of phonics being just one. Here are easy steps to encourage your child to be an avid reader: 1) Engagement Actively engaging your child to develop the love for reading and writing If your child is actively engaged, […]

How Broadening Your Child’s Knowledge Helps Improve Reading Comprehension

You have probably heard that reading is a great way to gain more knowledge. But did you know that widening one’s knowledge helps improve reading comprehension too? It is a fascinating two-way relationship. First of all, be selective about what your child is reading. Is the reading material stimulating your child’s imagination and helping him or her see the […]

Awesome Preschool Reading Games to Improve Your Kid’s Reading Comprehension

You have probably heard that reading is a great way to gain more knowledge. But did you know that widening one’s knowledge helps improve reading comprehension too? It is a fascinating two-way relationship. First of all, be selective about what your child is reading. Is the reading material stimulating your child’s imagination and helping him or her see the […]

3 Things Parents Should Consider When Choosing Reading Programmes for Kids

Reading is an essential skill that should be cultivated young, as almost every aspect of life requires reading in some form. Not only are reading programmes beneficial for kids who are less enthusiastic about picking up a book, they also help more advanced readers expand their comprehension level. However, with the variety of reading programmes […]

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