Why is Crafted Play™ Important for Preschoolers?

‘Play is the real work of childhood.’ – Fred Rogers, leading educator and television icon So, what exactly is Play and what does it mean for your preschooler? Play is a continuous process of trial and error. It is making and correcting mistakes in a fun and non-threatening environment. It is through play that a […]

5 Pre-Toddler Activities to Do at Home

Towards Toddling: Activities for 6-12 Months This is a very exciting time in your infant’s development. At six months s/he may show the first signs of dragging himself/herself forward. S/he can grasp and pull things and even transfer objects from one hand to another. S/he can respond to your tone of voice, and even babble, […]

Getting the Most from your Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

The Child Care Subsidy (CCS) has been in effect for over a year and it can still be confusing! The new system has replaced Child Care Rebate and Child Care Benefit, but many people are still in search of answers. Befuddling or not, there’s no doubt the CCS plays a vital role in creating more accessible care for […]

Saying “I Love You” vs  “I’m Proud of You” to Your Child

“Mummy, are you proud of me?” My seven-year-old son was swinging a gold medal he had just won for his school sports day in front of my face, when he suddenly paused and frowned, before posing this question. I felt a slight pang of guilt (was I not looking pleased enough?). “I’m certainly very proud […]

Smart Strategies: Teaching Children to Share and Take Turns

Learning to share and take turns while playing can be challenging for young children – especially those under six – but it is a vital skill that they need to pick up during the early years. If they can master it properly, they will acquire something invaluable for their social development. As a parent, you have […]

We’re Going on an Easter Book Hunt

Depending on what kind of a build-up is taking place in your household as Easter approaches, books written specifically for the Easter season can play a part in creating anticipation for the celebration. If your goal is to help your child understand the historical story behind Easter, there are a number of books that retell […]

Childcare Tours – The Questions You Need to Ask

A tour is a great way to get to know a childcare centre. You see the facility and the educators in action, you can ask as many questions as you like and sneak a peek at the children going about their day. However, this picturesque scene can take a twist when you’re bombarded by early […]

Dear Tired Mum, It’s Not All in Your Head

Tired mum or not, mothers tend to bear the enormous responsibility of being the centre of their children’s worlds. It’s no surprise that between scraped knees, story time, rushed sips of coffee, meal prep, nappies, play dates, bottles, more nappies and everything in between we often forget to stop… and take a breath. As it […]

6 Empowering Lessons to Teach Your Children

From the day your child was born, you have envisioned a bright future for him/her – one filled with huge dreams and potential that serves as an inspiration for those whom he/she is bound to meet in life. So, what can you do to ensure that your little one makes that fearless spirit and the confidence […]

3 Tactics to Boost Your Kid’s Math Score

Your child may be a math whiz but if he or she does not possess adequate reading comprehension skills, chances are, he or she will struggle with primary school maths. Not even the most astute abacus and mental math skills can help if one does not comprehend the question being asked. In Singapore’s school curriculum, reading comprehension and […]

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