Crafted Play™ VS Free Play: How Types Of Play Affect Your Child’s Development

When most people hear the word ‘play’ they tend to associate it with trivial or meaningless fun. But, mention ‘play’ to parents and educators and you’ll see their eyes light up in recognition and excitement. Play is a crucial part of early development, as it is the trial and error process through which young children explore, […]

How Sensory Play Can Aid Your Child’s Development

From when they are born, children use their senses to understand the large and confusing world around them. It is a process that comes naturally to most children; babies start gurgling from 3 months old, use taste to identify objects and can recognise their mother’s voice from birth. Sensory experimentation helps children develop tools to interact […]

Benefits a Child Can Gain from Volunteering Activities

While learning is mainly done from books, the internet and school, the truth of the matter is that knowledge can be found anywhere. Going out into the real world and experiencing all that it has to offer is sure to teach individuals with a lesson or two. As Einstein once said, “Information is not knowledge. […]

How Sensory Play Can Aid Your Child’s Development

From when they are born, children use their senses to understand the large and confusing world around them. It is a process that comes naturally to most children; babies start gurgling from 3 months old, use taste to identify objects and can recognise their mother’s voice from birth. Sensory experimentation helps children develop tools to interact […]

7 Tips to Nurture Your Child into Confident Readers and Writers

Adapted from an article by Professor Trevor H. Cairney, fellow of MindChamps’ World Research, Advisory & Education Team and Adjunct Professor at the University of New South Wales, Department of Education. Exposing your child to a wide variety of stories where they can explore and grow as readers and writers is something you can easily […]

5 Outdoor Activities To Bond as a Family

Children are naturally curious and love to explore the world around them. The best way to nurture their love of learning is to provide opportunities for them to get outside during their playtime. Outdoor activities are not only fun for toddlers, but they can also help them develop important skills like sharing and cooperation for optimal early childhood development. […]

Nurturing a Love for Literacy in the Early Years

What is early childhood literacy? Contrary to what we understand, early literacy is beyond teaching children how to read. It is instead, equipping young learners with the skills to nurture a love for reading and eventually become proficient readers. Prior to learning how to read through word recognition and fluency, children should first develop fundamental […]

The 3-Mind Revolution – Nurturing a “Creative Mind” in Your Child

What do you think of when you hear the word “creativity”? Maybe you think of artists, painters or scriptwriters, but being creative does not only apply in artistic activities such as drawing, painting or crafting stories. Here at MindChamps, we reinforce the importance of having a “Creative Mind”, as it allows you to think out […]

How Our S.M.I.L.E.S.™ Curriculum Supports Your Child’s Early Learning

Picking the right early learning environment for your child can be confusing. As the field of early childhood education continues to evolve, there are countless early learning pedagogies and methodologies for parents to consider. Here at MindChamps, we believe in supporting your child’s holistic development through experiential activities that provide them with a safe space to […]

5 Factors that Make the MindChamps Curriculum Unique

Ask any parent who has gone through the process of choosing a childcare centre for their children – chances are, most of them will tell you that it is a long journey filled with decisions to make on various factors that will determine your final choice of childcare. Apart from the location and facilities available […]

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