3 Things Parents Should Consider When Choosing Reading Programmes for Kids

Reading is an essential skill that should be cultivated young, as almost every aspect of life requires reading in some form. Not only are reading programmes beneficial for kids who are less enthusiastic about picking up a book, they also help more advanced readers expand their comprehension level.

However, with the variety of reading programmes for kids that are available, it might be challenging to choose one that suits your child best.

Here are some tips to help you out.

Assess your kids’ needs before deciding on the type of reading programme

Phonics classes help kids sound words and letters out in order to aid them in reading. Integrated reading programmes combine this with other aspects such as increasing vocabulary, understanding and thinking skills.

Parents should consider their child’s learning style before choosing the right programme for them. For children who learn better through music, English enrichment classes that incorporate songs in their lessons may be more suitable, such as MindChamps Reading programme which uses the ‘Say and Sing Phonics’ method. If your child is slightly more proficient in reading, an integrated English enrichment class would help them have a foundational grasp in writing as well.

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Assess the curriculum of the English enrichment class

Children have a short attention span, so it is essential that programmes include interactive elements to keep them engaged.

The MindChamps Reading & Writing programme steps away from traditional ways of learning to ensure cognitive learning. It emphasises independent reading by developing the Learning Mind, the Creative Mind and the Champion Mind.

Reading programmes for kids should also be fun and incorporate play, story-telling, games and other activities. Educators should also be friendly and motivating. When children look forward to attending class, they will start to love reading as well. In addition, do ensure that the programme is structured with clear objectives and proper modes of assessment to ensure that you can track your child’s progress.

Judging the effectiveness of reading programmes for kids

You can also judge the effectiveness of the programme yourself by getting your child to read to you periodically.

Compile a reading list with books of varying difficulty and start a title that is below your child’s level. Use simple books and cater it to your child’s interests. The more you read with your child, the clearer their interests would become. Work your way upwards and look out for improvements each time.

You could also build a vocabulary list which you may ask your child to read aloud. Give your child a few seconds to read and say the word before moving to the next one. You will also see a change in attitude towards reading over time. The more they understand what they are reading, the more enthusiastic they will be.

Read also:   Foolproof Ways to Jumpstart Your PreSchool Child’s Reading Journey in Singapore

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