Fathers Day without a Dad: Celebrating the Unsung Fathers

“What are you getting daddy for Fathers Day?”

This seems like a perfectly innocent question- and indeed it is- but I’ll be the first to put my hand up and say that hearing, “I don’t have a Dad,” still rattles me.

As more families ditch the “traditional” family dynamic it’s important to remember that Father’s Day isn’t just for biological dads, but it’s a time to celebrate all the father figures in our lives.

Fathers Day for Dad

Seen as the traditional patriarchally figure of the family, a father’s role is now more vibrant and hands on than ever. Around 30% of dads are taking advantage of flexible work hours in order to take on a more care focused role in parenting (Australian Bureau of Statistics). Having more ‘dad-time’ at an early age gives children a more balanced perception of ‘care’ dynamics. It can help young boys and girls see that men and women have the same capacity to nurture, educate and thrive in their careers.

Fathers Day for Uncle Dad

Uncle by blood or by choice, they have the privilege to play a leading part in their nieces’ and nephews’ lives. The Uncle Dad takes the time out of their own lives to be a support system for the family, whether it’s by making the kids laugh, doing school drop offs and pick ups or just showing up when you need a break.

Fathers Day for Stepdad or Boyfriend Dad

Multi-parent families are becoming more prevalent and it’s crucial to celebrate each parent’s impact on children’s lives. Having a different blood line does not discount the relationship Stepdad or Boyfriend Dad have with children. Much like Uncle Dad, Stepdad and Boyfriend Dad are positive role models in their children’s lives, helping to nurture and guide them.

Fathers Day for Grand Dad

Pop, Grandpa, Poppy – no matter what you call them, grandparents are becoming more central to children’s upbringing. With many families leaning on grandparents for support, grandpas are present and available for their grandchildren. When children spend time with their grandparents they learn about their heritage. As Granddad instils your family values the children learn how their past is shaping the future. Granddad not only helped to raise you to be the person you are, but he is now more involved than ever in creating a great life for your little ones.

Fathers Day for Mum Dad

There is nothing a Dad can do that a Mum can’t do either. Here’s a shout out to all the Mums who step into the Dad shoes every day.

At MindChamps we value the role of every parent. Our services are here to support each and every one of our families to navigate every aspect of parenthood. No matter who it is, remember to celebrate all of your Dads this Father’s Day. We’ll be doing the same!

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